Sensory Merchandising: A Fashion Retail Experiment for Inclusion of Blind Consumers
Consumer Behavior, Consumption, Retail Management, Sensorial MerchandisingAbstract
This paper aims to define the concept of sensorial merchandising as a retail atmosphere effort to generate a better shopping experience to blind people. Fashion retail is an unexplored environment to blind people due to certain limitations of the currently majority atmosphere of the sector. In this line, the central objective of this research is to understand the consumers' wishes, and thus to propose a sensory protocol of care applicable to the fashion retail that can promote the blind costumer autonomy in the act of the purchase using a sensorial color chart with fruit aroma. The methodology adopted was a single case study experiment conducted in a controlled environment. The results obtained suggest a positive relationship between the blind consumer and Color Sense, as well as the other elements of Sensorial Merchandising.
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