Focus and Scope

Last updated: 01/16/2025

The REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal publishes nine types of manuscript (Research article, Theoretical essay, Case study, Technological article, Methodological article, Discussion (Pensata), Book review and Obituary) in the areas of entrepreneurship and small business management.

A REGEPE defends and encourages plurality in the topics addressed and in theoretical and methodological approaches. Topics of interest to the publication include, among others:

1. Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

2. Entrepreneurial behavior and intrapreneurship

3. Sustainable, cultural, social and gender entrepreneurship

4. Innovation, technology and venture capital

5. Public Entrepreneurship and relations with SMEs: policies, actions and impacts

6. Education, Ethics and Training for Entrepreneurship and SMEs

7. International and Immigrant Entrepreneurship and SME Internationalization

8. Learning, entrepreneurship and SMEs and their relationships in contexts with socioeconomic restrictions

9. Management and strategy in SMEs

10. Business networks, productive arrangements and local development

11. Financing and promotion for SMEs

12. Teaching Cases: entrepreneurship and SMEs

13. Minority Entrepreneurship

14. Franchises, consultancy and

15. Emerging topics and free topics in entrepreneurship and SMEs