Editorial Development Plan (EDP)

Last updated: 01/16/2025

Mission and vision
  • Taking into account that the mission of REGEPE is to promote the debate of relevant topics in the area of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, in addition to serving as a channel to disseminate conceptual and methodological advances and promote studies and theoretical and empirical formulations for the area of entrepreneurship and small business management;
  • Our goal is to maintain REGEPE's position as the most prestigious and relevant journal in the country and one of the most important in the international community, keeping it as one of the main vehicles for scientific dissemination in the area of entrepreneurship and small business management.
Open science
  • Maintain the diamond open access policy;
  • Expand the use of preprint to foster the "publish first, evaluate later" culture;
  • Foster the community (authors and reviewers) in opening the peer review process and the dissemination of the data underlying the research;
  • These measures are necessary since currently, in our community, these practices are practically nil;
  • The practices will be fostered through diversified means (campaigns, ads and webinar).
Indexing and impact
  • Be approved for inclusion in the SciELO Brazil, Scopus and Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index collections.
  • Advance from the current Qualis 2017-2020 A3 classification to A2 in the next assessment.
  • Increase the participation of foreign researchers in the body of Associate Editors, as well as authors with affiliations in foreign institutions of published articles.
  • Partnering with a foreign university to support editorial and funding activities;
  • Submit projects to public notices offered by funding agencies for Science, Technology and Innovation such as CNPq and FAPESP. One of the requirements of these calls is that the journal be indexed by at least two indexers elected by it, such as SciELO, Scopus, WoS and Redalyc, which the latter already has.
Capacity building and training
  • Encourage participation in training courses for the entire Editorial Team, such as those offered by the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors – ABEC.
Scientific dissemination
  • Create a dissemination plan for the entire international community, especially Latin America and the Caribbean;
  • Creation of a pilot plan to expand the impact on social media, increasing visibility metrics (accesses and downloads);
  • Popularize the scientific content of REGEPE on social media, reaching non-academic audiences, such as the practicing community in the area of entrepreneurship and small business management.
Princípios FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable)
  • Admission to the digital preservation of the Carinian Network, maintained by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology – IBICTP.
DEIA Principles (Diversity, Equity, Equality and Accessibility)
  • Increase the number of professionals in the editorial team to maintain the editions of the audios and videos (both in the three languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English) and other formats of publications of the articles, among them XML, epub, html;
  • Increase the participation of women and PPI researchers (black, brown and Indian) in the body of Associate Editors.
  • Maintain, monitor and adopt measures to increase gender parity, race and regionalization among publications.
Periodicity and processing time
  • Improve the average processing time of manuscripts from the current 15 months to approval and 18.5 months between receipt and publication.