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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article deals with entrepreneurship and/or small business management and/or innovation as its main theme.
  • There is no author identification in the file and nor in the file properties.

  • The text follows ALL requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, and the authors have read and are aware of the Ethics Policy on the Journal's website;
  • The manuscript contains up to five co-authors.
  • ORCID: it is MANDATORY to fill the field ORCID in the submission metadata.
  • Originality: the author submitting the article must download the Declaration of Originality, sign it and upload it to the system as supplementary material.
  • Conflicts of interest: after reading the Guidelines for declaring conflicts of interest, I declare that there are none. If subsequently approved, the corresponding author must sign the Declaration of conflicts of interest.
  • Open science compliance;: the author submitting the article must download the Declaration on Open Science Compliance, sign it and upload it to the system as supplementary material.
  • Authors’ statement of individual contributions: The REGEPE adopts the taxonomy structure of CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). The author submitting the article must fill in the form REGEPE - Information on Authors' Contributions and Acknowledgments, at the time of submission.
  • I confirm the quality of the submission in English (if applicable): If the article is submitted in English or when the English version is sent, upon approval of the submitted article (in Portuguese or Spanish), REGEPE will check the manuscript using the free AJE (American Journal Expert - Part of Springer Nature) Grammar Check tool. Only those manuscripts for which the tool indicates that Your Language Assessment Score (LAT) scores greater than or equal to 75th percentile, as shown in the following imagem example.

  • I undertake to act as a reviewer for the journal: As a form of reciprocity with the academic community, REGEPE reinforces the commitment that authors of approved papers have to act as reviewers for manuscripts submitted to the journal. In order to give visibility to the valuable voluntary effort involved in writing the review, REGEPE has the ReviewerCredits system integrated into the journal's OJS system, and the reviewer can select the options he or she wishes in relation to open science, i.e. the publication of his or her review, with or without identification.
  • I declare the truthfulness of the information.

Author Guidelines

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in Published Manuscripts

  • All works approved upon their final publication in the REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal will receive their Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

Accepted languages in submission

  • REGEPE prioritizes submissions made directly in English. However, we will always value and accept submissions made in Portuguese or Spanish.
  • In the case of submissions made in English or when submitting the English version, after the approval of the submitted article (in Portuguese or Spanish), REGEPE will check the manuscript using the free tool AJE’s (American Journal Expert - Part of Springer Nature) Grammar Check Tool. Only manuscripts in which the tool indicates that their Language Assessment Score (LAT) is equal to or greater than the 75th percentile will be accepted, as shown in the example in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Example of report generated by the Grammar Check Tool with accepted result
Condições obrigatórias
Note: Own elaboration based on the Grammar Check Tool.

Accepted Manuscript Types*

  • Research article (Theoretical-empirical): This is a work that combines a detailed theoretical review with the collection and analysis of empirical data to test hypotheses and/or answer specific research questions. This type of article typically begins with an introduction presenting the research problem, followed by a literature review that theoretically underpins the study. It then details the methodology used to collect and analyze the data, presents the findings, and discusses these results in light of existing theory. Finally, it concludes with practical and theoretical implications, study limitations, and suggestions for future research, highlighting the originality and relevance of the findings to the field of knowledge;
  • Theoretical essay: This is understood as an argumentative, planned, and systematized text through sections and/or subsections, in which the author presents, synthesizes, discusses, and eventually contrasts theoretical concepts, constructs, and/or paradigms of the addressed research field. It is expected that a theoretical essay presents a robust theorizing process, concluding with a synthesis, framework, or research model that allows for the advancement of a new theoretical perspective, including its use in future theoretical-empirical research. The theoretical essay differs from the Discussion (Pensata) by having a more robust theoretical body and not necessarily accessing emerging empirical themes or frontiers; and it differs from the Editorial by being a text open to submission for the entire academic community, without a predefined theme by the editorial board. For submission to REGEPE, a theoretical essay should also not be understood as synonymous with literature reviews, bibliometric studies, or theoretical foundations ("theoretical framework") common in theoretical-empirical articles;
  • Case study: This is a detailed description of a real situation used for educational and training purposes. This type of document presents a complex scenario that simulates real challenges faced in professional, business, or organizational contexts. The main objective is to promote discussion, critical analysis, and the development of problem-solving skills among students. A case study generally includes an engaging narrative describing the context, characters, and dilemmas faced, as well as questions and activities that encourage reflection and debate. It should be accompanied by teaching notes that provide guidance for instructors on how to effectively use the case in the classroom;
  • Technological article: This is a report of developments, innovations, techniques, methods, or practical applications in specific technologies, highlighting their characteristics, implementation processes, and impacts. This type of article usually includes an introduction that contextualizes the importance of the discussed technology, a detailed description of the principles and functionalities of the innovation, and examples of practical applications. Additionally, it addresses the benefits and limitations of the technology, providing critical analyses and perspectives for improvement. The technological article also discusses implications for the future of the field, potential developments, and how innovation can be integrated into different contexts, helping to guide future research and development work in the technological area;
  • Methodological article: This is a descriptive-explanatory and illustrative text (that exemplifies) in which the author presents, systematizes, comments on, and/or demonstrates essentially methodological aspects - e.g. research methodologies, techniques, or tools or procedures, such as the use of software and languages. It is expected that a methodological article offers a rational and didactic structure for the application, conduct, and/or analysis of approaches or procedures specific to research in the field of study in question, including its strengths and limitations. It should be noted that the Methodological Article may cover any type of epistemological perspective present in the field. The Methodological Article differs from the Theoretical Essay by having its scope delimited to methodological aspects of research activity;
  • Discussion (Pensata): This is a provocative and opinionated text in which the author develops a critical perspective on the chosen topic, generating reflection and innovative debates challenging the academic and practitioner community. Importantly, the topic under discussion should be a frontier topic, properly contextualized regarding its relevance and potential impact in the research field in question. The Discussion (Pensata) should not be confused with a mere opinion article, since scientific foundation, such as clear and cohesive argumentation using current and impactful bibliographic references, is an indispensable part of the Discussion;
  • Book review: This is a brief and objective text in which the author exposes, comments on, and qualitatively evaluates the content of a current and impactful work in the research field in question. It is expected that the reviewed works are recent, high-impact, and have the potential to generate fruitful discussions within the academic and practitioner community;
  • Obituary: This is a descriptive and opinionated text in which the author pays tribute to and summarizes the life, works, and contributions of an important researcher in the field of study who has recently passed away, highlighting their main achievements and impact on the community or area. The productions that make up this section are previously discussed and selected by the Editorial Board of REGEPE in accordance with the Publisher's Directorate (ANEGEPE), prepared by invitation to different national or international authors; and
  • Editorial: This is an article, usually invited, meaning that the Editorial Board of REGEPE in accordance with the Publisher's Directorate (ANEGEPE) invites one or more authors to publish a manuscript of interest to the journal. The Editorial can refer to any of the types of manuscripts described above.

*Note: Regarding manuscripts in Literature Review format, which are of the Research Article type: in search of greater transparency in the editorial process, REGEPE communicates that only those Literature Review articles that are highly structured and provide clear and objective contributions to the research field will be accepted for further evaluation in the editorial process. We recommend reading the introductory text on the topic, published by Emerald Publishing, as well as the study by Kraus et al. (2020) on the subject. For recreational purposes, we also recommend reflecting on Prof. Dr. Peter Schulz's work.

Word count for each type of manuscript*

  • Research article (Theoretical-empirical): Up to a maximum of about 8,500 words;
  • Theoretical essay: Up to a maximum of about 6,500 words;
  • Case study: Up to a maximum of about 5,000 words, including the case study and teaching notes;
  • Technological article: Up to a maximum of about 6,000 words;
  • Methodological article: Up to a maximum of about 6,000 words;
  • Discussion (Pensata): Up to a maximum of about 4,000 words;
  • Book review: Up to a maximum of about 2,000 words;
  • Obituary: Up to a maximum of about 4,000 words; and
  • Editorial: Depending on its type, follows the quantity of one of the types mentioned above.

*Note: These values represent the entire work, including titles, abstracts, keywords, tables, figures, notes, appendices, and bibliographic references.

General formatting for submission*

* Applicable to all types of manuscripts.

  • Structured abstract
    • The abstract should contain up to 250 words;
    • Be written in the three languages, with the first language being the same as the manuscript, followed by the other two ([pt, en, and es] or [en, pt, and es] or [es, en, and pt]);
    • Be structured, containing pertinent items according to the type of manuscript, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
Suggestion of elements of the structured abstract according to manuscript type
Condições obrigatórias
Note: Own elaboration.
  • File formatting for submission
    • As the final articles published in REGEPE are made with scientific publishing software, such as InDesign and LaTeX, we minimize the pre-formatting requirements in submitted works as much as possible. Therefore, for the Word file (.docx), there are no specifications for margins, spacing, font size, and type; these are at the discretion of the authors.
    • The manuscript should be organized as follows: sequence of Title, Abstract, and Keywords in each of the three languages. After, generally, the Introduction, the various parts containing the Development, the Conclusions, Endnotes [Optional], and finally, the References and Appendices [Optional]. Figure 3 brings a suggestion of sections by type of manuscript.
Figure 3
Suggestion of sections according to manuscript type
Condições obrigatórias
Note: Own elaboration.
  • Figures
    • Preferably, figures should be created using software such as Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word (Illustrations menu), among others;
    • The mandatory font is Cambria, ensuring sizes 12 or larger;
    • Number the figures sequentially as they appear in the text: 1, 2, 3, and so on;
    • If it is not possible to submit the editable file of the figures, ensure the figure file is in .png format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi;
    • Photographic images should be high-quality .png files with at least 1920x1080 pixels. If the images are figures, images, or photographs from third parties, express authorization for their use or information about the source of the free database will be required.


  • Tables
    • Tables within the manuscript file should be editable and not images;
    • Number the tables sequentially as they appear in the text: 1, 2, 3, and so on;


  • Position of tables and figures in the manuscript
    • All Tables and Figures should be inserted at the end of the text, after the references, starting on a new page. Indicate in the body of the text where each figure or table should be inserted, for example:

"------- Table 1 here -------",


"--------  Figure 1 here -------".


  • Endnotes
    • Avoid using them as much as possible. The purpose of including endnotes is to not distract the reader from the main text with elements of secondary importance. Number the endnotes sequentially: 1, 2, 3, and so on;
    • Footnotes are not allowed.


  • Citation and reference Styles
    • Follow the presentation format of these elements in the manuscript according to APA 7th edition guidelines. In this standard, for example, there are no frames, illustrations, or other designations, only Tables and Figures;
    • In this standard, long quotations are those with more than 40 words, not those with more than 3 lines;
    • We strongly recommend using bibliographic management software such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, among others, to automatically generate references;
    • DOI: All references must present the DOI (when applicable) following the format The format "" has been discontinued.



1) Book

Rothwell, R., & Zegveld, W. (1982). Innovation and the small and medium sized firm: their role in employment and in economic change. Frances Pinter.

Parenthetical citation: (Rothwell & Zegveld, 1982); Narrative citation: Rothwell e Zegveld (1982)

2) Book chapter

Brush, C. G. (2008). Women Entrepreneurs: A Research Overview. In A. Basu, M. Casson, N. Wadeson, & B. Yeung (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship. Oxford University Press.

Parenthetical citation: (Brush, 2008); Narrative citation: Brush (2008)

3) Journal articles

Stam, E. (2013). Knowledge and entrepreneurial employees: A country-level analysis. Small Business Economics, 41(4), 887–898.

Parenthetical citation: (Stam, 2013) ; Narrative citation: Stam (2013)

Sussan, F., & Ács, Z. J. (2017). The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem. Small Business Economics, 49(1), 55–73.

Parenthetical citation: (Sussan & Ács, 2017); Narrative citation: Sussan and Ács (2017)

4) Dissertation and thesis

Wiklund, J. (1998). Small firms growth and performance: entrepreneurship and beyond [Doctoral dissertation, Jönköping University. Jönköping International Business School]. Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet. urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-207

Parenthetical citation: (Wiklund, 1998).; Narrative citation: Wiklund (1998)

5) Scientific report

OECD. (2018). Oslo Manual 2018: The measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities (4th ed.). OECD Eurostat.

Parenthetical citation: (OECD, 2018); Narrative citation: OECD (2018)


Submission files

  • Manuscript [Mandatory]: The work itself, without any identification of authorship or information that allows the identification of authorship. Since REGEPE has adhered to the principles of open science and encourages authors and reviewers to do the same, there will come a time when this requirement will no longer be relevant. However, if authors and reviewers do not check this respective option in their Open Science Conformity Declaration forms, the evaluation will continue through the double-blind peer review process;
  • The three forms [Mandatory]:
  • The online form [Mandatory]: This is the completion of the individual contributions of each co-author according to the contributor roles taxonomy (CRediT). Along with this form, there is the Acknowledgments section where authors can use, filling out this section is optional.
  • Figures [Mandatory]: Upload to the system according to the guidelines above.
  • Certificate or Declaration of Translation [When applicable]: If the submitted manuscript is in English and was not written by an author whose native language is English.
  • Underlying content of the manuscript [Optional]: May be submitted as supplementary documents, additional analyses, additional references, or any content that may serve as "additional" content for readers.

If the Manuscript is approved

  • Video abstract: If the submitted manuscript is approved by REGEPE, meaning it's confirmed that it will be published, the corresponding author, on behalf of all others (if any), will receive instructions through the system to create and submit the Video Summary according to the Instructions on how to prepare the video abstract.


Details of the Structure of a Case study

It must consist of three documents:
  1. Case study;
  2. Teaching Notes; and
  3. Copyright Declaration. 
1. Case study
It must follow the following Structured abstract:
  • Study objective: Indicate the purpose of the work, i.e., what it intends to demonstrate or describe.
  • Dilemma or problem: Clearly describe the dilemma or problem.
  • Relevance/originality: Indicate the theoretical gap in which the study is inserted, also presenting the academic relevance of the theme.
It must follow the following Sections:
  • Introduction: Highlighting the problem in which the case is inserted and, mainly, the Educational Objectives;
  • Firm description: its brief history, its products and/or services, market, sector of activity, financial indicators, among other relevant information for the case;
  • Problem or dilemma under analysis: Present the characters involved, context of decision making, among other information present in the scene. In this part, signal some decision alternatives, however, without exhausting possible alternatives, which may be created by students in the case discussion activity;
  • Case closure: Creating concerns to think about how this company would be from the presented scenario;
  • Questions: At the end of the text for discussion in the classroom. These have the role of guiding the situation, as a script, in addition to assisting the teacher in conducting the activity.
2. Teaching notes
It must follow the following guidelines:
  • Theoretical content: Necessary for discussion of the subject, relative to the case study.
    Pedagogical alternatives: Present proposals for the application of the case study in the classroom.
  • Pedagogical alternatives: Present proposals for the application of the case study in the classroom. 
  • Dynamics: Should accompany suggestions for discussion or applicable activities, presenting what are the expected behaviors by students, positive and/or negative;
  • Environment/conditions: Describe the physical, structural, and/or laboratory environment that can provide better development of the case.
  • Decisions/solutions: Possible alternatives for analyzing the situation focused on the case study text, in order to support the work of the teacher who will apply the case and collaborate with obtaining relevant results in the use of the case study as a didactic instrument.
3. Copyright Declaration
It is very important that the company that originated the case study authorizes the publication of the data. Therefore, written authorization is fundamental for the publication of the case, and it is the responsibility of the authors to provide the authorization from the company/organization to publish the case in REGEPE.

Regarding the submission process in the REGEPE System

1. Start

  • Choose the submission language, i.e., the language in which the manuscript was written;
  • Choose the manuscript section, i.e., what type of manuscript it is

Escolha do idioma e tipo de manuscrito

  • Read and check all conditions, some of which require actions such as filling out specific forms.

Condições obrigatórias

  • In the Comments for the Editor field (OPTIONAL), the author can insert their Cover Letter. The REGEPE Cover Letter should include a brief introduction of the work, highlighting the importance and originality of the research, the main results, and their implications. It should also explain why the manuscript is suitable for the journal, mentioning how the work contributes to the specific field and aligns with the interests of the journal's readers. The REGEPE Editor-in-Chief Cover Letter template can be obtained here.

Carta ao Editor

  • Read and, if in agreement, check the copyright and privacy statement, then click the Save and continue button.

Condições obrigatórias


2. Upload Submission

  • Upload the submission files, which are MANDATORY: 
    • Manuscript without author identification in Word format (.docx). See guidelines above;
    • All three declarations: Declaration of Originality, Declaration of conflicts of interest, and Declaration on Open Science Compliance;
    • Figures (images) used in the manuscript. See guidelines above.
  • If the submitted manuscript is in English and was not written by an author whose native language is English [Mandatory]: 
    • Certificate or Declaration of translation attesting to the quality of the translation or taking responsibility for it. This also applies if the translation was done by one of the authors.
  • Other files that are OPTIONAL, such as: 
    • Cover Letter to the Editor-in-Chief;
    • Any other files related to the manuscript's underlying content.
  • The upload is done by clicking either the Add File button or the Upload File link.

Carregar arquivos

  • After uploading, choose the file type by clicking the Article Text link if it refers to the manuscript for review or the Other link to select the most appropriate type. There are also Edit and Remove buttons that allow you to modify or delete the files, respectively. Once all files have been uploaded, click the Save and continue button.

Carregar arquivos

3. Enter Metadata

  • Fill out the: 
    • Manuscript title in three languages (pt, en, and es). Only the first letter of the beginning of the title and after the colon ":" (if any) are capitalized. See examples in published articles. Do not fill in the Prefix and Subtitle fields; 
    • Manuscript abstract in three languages (pt, en, and es). Please pay attention to the required structure for each type of manuscript. See each structure above;

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  • Include all coauthors:
    • Click the Add Contributor button to add one coauthor at a time. A new window will open;

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  • In this window provide
    • Full name of the coauthor (except for the family name);
    • Family name of the coauthor;
    • Contact email of the coauthor. If the corresponding author, they will receive all communications from the system at this email;
    • Coauthor's country means their nationality;
    • ORCID of the coauthor is MANDATORY and must be provided in the ORCID ID field. Provide the complete URL, example:;
    • Coauthor affiliation. REGEPE adopts ONLY the main name of the institution in Portuguese, without the need to provide the department, institute, laboratory, graduate program name, among others. If in doubt about the name of your institution, you can consult the standardized database of Research Organization Registry (ROR). The standard will be: University, Institution, or Organization Name (ACRONYM), City, State, Country. Example: California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), Pasadena, CA, United States of America. The ACRONYM field is optional;
    • Contributor's role. If this field is active in your window, choose the Author option;
    • Principal contact for editorial correspondence checkbox. If the co-author is the corresponding author, check this option;
    • Click the Save button.

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  • If any information is wrong, click the blue arrow next to the coauthor's name, which will open two options buttons: Edit and Delete. Choose the button of your preference to correct the information.

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  • Provide JEL classification. The Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification system is a standard method of classifying academic literature in the field of economics, including the area of management. Example: B31 D24 J53 (Maximum 3). Type one at a time (only in the chosen submission language) into the system and press Enter. 
  • Provide keywords. Keywords are provided both in the manuscript file to be submitted and in this specific field of the OJS system. In both cases, fill out as follows: Between three to five keywords that characterize the work, starting with a capital letter. Type one at a time (in all 3 languages: pt, en, and es) into the system and press Enter.
  • Provide references. Cut and paste all references from the references section of your manuscript into this field. Pay attention to the required norms mentioned above in the section General formatting for submission, item Citation and reference style.

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  • Provide funding information. Click the Add Funder button to include one funding organization at a time. A new window will open.

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  • Provide the name of the funding organization (if it exists, it is mandatory) in the Funder name and identification field. Start typing the name or acronym, and the field will show possible options, as it comes from the Open Funder Registry (OFR) database, maintained by CrossRef.
  • Provide the process code in the Grant numbers field according to the agency's format. Then, click the Save button.

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  • Recommend a reviewer (Optional). In the Recommended reviewers text field, as indicated, you can suggest the name(s), affiliation(s), institutional email address(es), and the reasons why each individual should be considered for inclusion/exclusion as reviewers. Then, click the Save and continue button.

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4. Confirmation

  • In this step, you can review the entire process, navigating through the tabs, or click the Finish Submission button.

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  • Another window will open to confirm if you are sure you want to Submit. If yes, click the OK button; otherwise, click the Cancel button.

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5. Next Steps

  • In this screen, the system thanks you for your submission, informs you that the Editor-in-Chief has been notified, and you have the option to click the Create a new submission link or the Return to your dashboard link.

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Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.