The Strategic Practice of Market Research in the Process of Internationalization of a Small Brewery of the South of Brazil
Strategic Practice, Strategy as Pactice, Internationalization, Small Enterprise, Case StudyAbstract
The goal of this study was to understand how integration between the intra and extraorganizational levels occurs in the market research strategic practice of the internationalization process according to Whittington’s (2006) diagram. The qualitative methodology was adopted through a single case study. The selection of the case occurred in a non-random, accessible and intentional way due to the phenomenon that was sought to be analyzed. There was selected a brewing company located in Santa Catarina (SC), southern Brazil, that contracted a consulting service to enter the international market. Data collection techniques included a semi-structured interview, document analysis and direct observation, ensuring triangulation for the interpretation of the data. The data were analyzed through narrative analysis and pattern matching technique. The results confirm that the integration between the intra and extraorganizational levels in the strategic practice takes place through specific strategic praxis and located in the frequent contacts and constant involvement among the practitioners with the promotion of actions (consultants) that influence positively organization strategy giving evidences that practitioners are capable of synthesizing new practices and opening new horizons, they can introduce more practitioners and new praxis in line with what is proposed by Whittington (2006).
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