Innovation and Dinamic Capabilities: The Relations Between the Multiple Innovations and the Capabilities of Detection, Capture and Reconfiguration in the Fitness Gyms
Dinamic Capabilities, Innovation, Detection, Capture, ReconfigurationAbstract
In change environments, dynamic capabilities have become a source of competitive advantage for organizations. With innovation associated with contexts of uncertainties and transformations, the development of dynamic capacities by companies seeking to innovate becomes fundamental in the search for competitive differentials. In this context, this article aims to understand the relationships between the multiple dimensions of innovation and the dynamic capacities in MPEs of the segment of fitness academies in the city of Natal/RN. To understand this relationship, this research had as a theoretical framework the models of the dynamic capabilities of detection, capture and reconfiguration as well as the Radar of Innovation. The study consists of a qualitative research, of a descriptive character, developed with 15 academies active in the city of Natal/RN. As a result of the research, it was possible to note that the multiple innovations developed, in cycles 0 and 1 of the ALI program, by the studied academies, reflect in the development of the dynamic capacities of detection, capture and reconfiguration, as observed in the results of empirical research. It was also possible to observe that the variability in the degrees of the multiple dimensions of innovation in the research organizations are the result of the influence of the dynamism of the environment on the resources, skills, competences and organizational knowledge, being one of the criteria for distinction between organizations and training competitive advantages. Conclusively, it was possible to identify the theoretical adherence between the models of the Radar of Innovation and dynamic capacities, which allows this study to contribute in the discussions on innovation and training of dynamic capacities.
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