Forms of capital, innovation capability and innovation in new ventures
resources, innovation capability, innovation, entrepreneurship, PSEDAbstract
Objective: Investigate the impact of human, social, and financial capital on the variation of innovation capability of nascent ventures over time. Methodology/design: Quantitative research, developed using a longitudinal secondary database (Panel Study of Entrepreneurship Dynamics 2 - PSED 2). Multiple linear regression technique was used to test the research hypothesis. Main results: Among all types of capital analyzed in the study, level of education, personal finances, and physical social capital were determinant of the nascent ventures’ capability of developing innovation over time. Innovation capability influenced the creation of innovation, as well. Theoretical/methodological contributions: Considering the longitudinal design, the research presents which types of capital are relevant along time for nascent ventures to develop innovation capabilities. Relevance/originality: From the methodological perspective, the research has a longitudinal design, as suggested by entrepreneurship and innovation capability scholars since both phenomena are process oriented. It also differentiates innovation and innovation capability, which are two constructs used interchangeably by research, although being different. Social/management contributions: The results contribute to qualify which resources of a company in its initial phase have greater potential for generating long-term innovation.
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