Entrepreneurial behaviour and education in times of adversity
Entrepreneurial Behavior, University Support, Pandemic EffectsAbstract
Objective: The goal of this research is to identify whether the Coronavirus pandemic has influenced students’ entrepreneurial behavior and perceived university support in a public university in Brazil. Methodology: This study used Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to assess the survey answered by 508 Business Administration students. Findings: Results reassured the positive relationship amongst Perceived University Support, Entrepreneurial Intention and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy. Considering students’ perceptions of such elements prior and during the confinement, the relationship amongst Perceived University Support, Entrepreneurial Intention and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy did not present significant changes. Originality: This study contributes to the discussion of lockdowns and quarantines repercussions in entrepreneurial behavior and education, since this period has brought uncertainties in economic, social and health scenarios. This period of instability also raises discussions concerning technological resources and related initiatives, highlighting a necessity of innovative ideas and solutions. Moreover, these results may also offer support for professors and pedagogical staff in the disciplines remake and university environments. Social/management contributions: The discussion around lockdowns and quarantines repercussions is broaden, especially in the field of entrepreneurship. Educational institutions have the opportunity to invest even more in the university environment to support entrepreneurship, preparing the student for the opportunities and new scenarios that will arise and that will be necessary for the economic recovery.
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