The “ABC” of Entrepreneurship Education: A Literature Review about Methods and Practices of Entrepreneurial Education
Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Education, Teaching Methods.Abstract
The entrepreneurial education is considered essential for the economic and social development of a country. For this reason, it has attracted the interest of many national and international researchers. The effectiveness of education is related to the appropriate use of methods and strategies of teaching systems of instruction and preparation of students with knowledge and skills to conduct new business. Therefore, this research aims to identify the primary methods and practices of teaching appropriate to conceive entrepreneur, as well as the concepts and the characteristics of the theme, by means of a literature review. To reach the objective, a bibliographical survey was realized at national and international level in the main periodicals related to the subject between the years 2005 to 2015. For the development of research, a difficulty was perceived: separate the entrepreneurial education's role from others factors that contribute to the entrepreneur's formation. Another point that a literature review reveals an evaluation of the methods for training, but research also indicates the use of passive methods of learning. Then, understanding the interaction between these methods in the teaching of entrepreneurship seems to be a major point of the agenda of new researchers in the area.
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