The Influence of Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Women Entrepreneurs in Different Stages of a Business
Female entrepreneurship. Cognitive aspects. Affective aspects. Stages of a business.Abstract
This research proposes to explain how the cognitive and affective aspects influence the actions of entrepreneurship women in the different phases of business development. The theoretical basis is a model that suggests that the affective aspects are more influent in the actions of entrepreneurs in the early stages of a business and as it develops, cognitive factors become more present. To marking better these evolution periods, it was integrated an approach which points five phases of development. In methodological terms, this research has an exploratory and qualitative approach. Ten participants were selected intentionally among the women entrepreneurs of a city located in Seridó region in RN state, to participate at interviews. The technique used for data analysis was the thematic content analysis. The research identified that in birth phase of a business, the women are influenced by affective aspects and in the following phases, when the need for more organization is perceived, the cognitive aspects are more influential. The fear emerged as an affective aspect that permeates the action of entrepreneurs at renovation phase, the negotiation capacity emerged too as a cognitive aspect evidenced in decline phase, suggesting the join of these two aspects in future studies that deal with this relationship in entrepreneurs.Downloads
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