Performance of spin-offs and Brazilian startups: a study on technological evolution based on entrepreneurship and networks
knowledge-intensive companies, entrepreneurship, collaboration networks, ability to convert knowledge, organizational performanceAbstract
Objective: to understand the relationships in advance of technological maturity and organizational performance in academic spin-offs and Brazilian startups. Method: quantitative research, with the application of 62 questionnaires, 17 of which were used as a pre-test. Originality/Relevance: this paper develops an approach oriented towards knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in the context of a developing country, using data obtained from academic spin-offs and startups, based on an original model that relates the studied constructs. Results: empirical results made it possible to highlight the importance of Entrepreneurial Orientation as an antecedent of both Knowledge Conversion Capacity and Network Capacity. Theoretical/methodological contributions: aspects related to Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge Conversion Capacity, Network Capacity and Technological Maturity were articulated in a conceptual model with a view to ultimately identifying the determinant mechanisms of Organizational Performance. Social/Management Contributions: the findings underscore the role of the ecosystem as a critical meta-structure for entrepreneurial development. This is because the components of the Entrepreneurial Orientation at the firm level are intrinsically connected with the diffusion of a culture of entrepreneurship in the agents. Additionally, both the Knowledge Conversion Capacity and the Network Capacity encompass the dynamics of interactions and knowledge flows between the firm and agents with complementary capacities. Thus, the results of this research underscore the need to develop a systemic orientation for understanding new knowledge-intensive enterprises.
JEL Code: 030, 032
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