Financial Sustainability Actions In Companies of the Microregion of the Town of Pará de Minas and in Its Surrounding Towns
Entrepreneurial Behavior, Business Longevity, Financial SustainabilityAbstract
Purpose: To examine, through entrepreneurial actions, the aspects of financial sustainability practiced in the companies located in the town of Pará de Minas microregion and its surrounding towns, describing and analyzing the perceptions of the managers and owners of these businesses.
Method: A quantitative, descriptive research was developed, applying a survey to 205 managers and / or owners. The modeling of structural equations was done using the PLS method.
Originality / Relevance: This study seeks to broaden the research on the longevity of companies, especially with regard to the entrepreneurial actions of financial sustainability, a reality little evident in small companies.
Results: It is suggested that although owners and managers of companies are aware of the administrative tools of management, they do not use them correctly, which could be observed in relation to the discourse of these managers and owners versus their practices, which makes the companies vulnerable in terms of longevity.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: The experience combined with financial control and a more transparent relationship of the organization are important elements for the longevity of a business. In theory, there are behavioral variables that directly interfere with financial sustainability.
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