Entrepreneurship and Social Engagement: Analysis From Religious Organizations
Coupling, Decoupling, Religious Entrepreneurship, Pastors, Evangelical Churches.Abstract
This research is part of the literature on social networks, in particular on the subject of coupling and uncoupling in the religious context. While coupling suggests groupings of strong interactions between actors, uncoupling refers to structures whose characteristics encourage members to distance not immersed people. In this literature, prevailing two fundamental concepts: the first is that the right balance between coupling and uncoupling would be considered fundamental to the development of productive enterprises. The second, of particular relevance, is that only one type of entrepreneur, the emigrant, can such an attribute. However, this cannot explain everything. Other types of entrepreneurship, still little explored by researchers from the administration, could enter there. This article, theoretical and empirical research, fits precisely in this context. Investigates the dynamics of social engagement and disengagement from the religious entrepreneurship context. By doing this, design light to new theoretical reflections, advancing in the literature on social engagement and uncoupling.
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