Behavior and Entrepreneurial Potential in the light of the Carland Entrepreneurship Index - CEI in the University Student Perspective
Entrepreneurship, Teaching of entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial potentialAbstract
Objective: To analyze the contribution of the teaching of entrepreneurship, in the development of the entrepreneurial potential of Business Administration majors on a higher level education institution.
Method: The study was divided in two stages: in the first stage, a descriptive and documentary research was carried out, with a qualitative approach. Subsequently, a quantitative study was carried out by means of a survey. The data collection instrument used was proposed by Carland, Carland and Hoy (1992), called Carland Entrepreneurship Index (CEI).
Originality/Relevance: The research deepens a discussion about the entrepreneurial potential and teaching of entrepreneurship in higher education, evidencing decisive empirical factors for the formation of new managers-entrepreneurs.
Results: The methodological mechanisms demonstrated the existence of congruent knowledge between the tested model and the contents disseminated in the classroom. Thus, the contribution to the entrepreneurial training of students in the decreasing requirements of identification of entrepreneurial potential, micro-entrepreneurs and macro-entrepreneurs.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: The study contributes to the literature by pointing out, through the empirical propositions, that the content in the student training process exerts a guiding function in the construction of behaviors aimed at entrepreneurial education.
Social/management contributions: The findings in the field were salutary to direct the pedagogical management and the teaching staff regarding the interdisciplinarity of contents of entrepreneurial training in the nuclei of basic training, complementary, Contents of Quantitative Studies and their Technologies and Complementary Training Contents, as established by the National Curricular Guidelines of the Graduate Program in Administration.
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